A square ad on the index page will cost $100 to the advertiser, it is 310 x 310 pixels and the ad graphics can be produced by the advertiser or us. If we do the graphic it will be us deciding what to place. A square ad on the side ( also 310x310 px) of an article or directory page is $50.The image will stay in place for an entire year. The link can go to anywhere you want,this could be your own website or landing page, facebook or any social media post or we can build you a landing page or website.

We also build professional landing pages, with server hosting and domain name included for $200.

We also build professional Static websites, with server hosting and domain name included for $500.

We also build professional wordpress websites, with server hosting and domain name included for $500.

We also build professional wordpress store (cms), and Themeforest template, to include server hosting and domain name for $1200. We will train you how to modify the site and give you advice on building your social media.

You can also ask any technical questions or advice on building your own website and I will give my opinion free of charge.Don't be afraid to ask, I have taught, css, html and frontend website design, believe me there are no stupid questions.

Anything else can be negotiated, I am not hard to get along with, and most extras I will do for free, that is the basis for repeat customers.

If you send me a text in the contact form below, title it ADVERTISING and I will respond within 24 hours.call me at the number below and leave a voicemail as the phone is the last device I pay attention to. contact me at chris@quartzsitehub.com, this is the preferred method.